PocketCM Keyboard
PocketCM Keyboard is a SIP for Windows Mobile (a virtual keyboard) that allows quick text input with smart and automatic corretion. First of all, it offers a visible feedback of the key currently pressed, you can imagine that your finger is on the keyboard... and now you can easily see what key is pressed.
Second important thing: you can move your finger, the key will change, release it, the key will be triggered (so it's the opposite of a physical keyboard: the actual action is when you release the key, not when you push it).
The third reason that it works is smart suggestion based on key position. If you look at the screenshot you can see that I typed "leyblaed". This word doesn't exist in english. The keyboard then looked at all the possible variation from this word... and found "keyboard". That's exactly the word I wanted to type.
How does the keyboard do? it simply uses the letter position: 'l' is near 'k', 'eyb' are correct, 'l' is also near 'o', the 'a' is correct, then 'e' is near 'r' and 'd' is correct. The only possible matching word is "keyboard".
Now a simple usability feature: from the previous screen, if I press the space bar, it will simply replace the word you have typed by the suggestion. As you can see "leyblaed" is replaced by "keyboard".
Note that the number in parentheses is the distance between the key and your actual press, not simply the surrounding key. If you press somewhere between 'j' and 'k', suggestion will tend to use 'j' and 'k' letter... not 'h'.
Another reason why it works is adding new words. As you can see I typed my firstname, and my dictionnary doesn't know this word yet. I can simply press the "+Quentin" button, this will add Quentin to my dictionnary.
That's a feature missing in many keyboard or SIP method: easy control over the dictionary. Most SIP are doing some very clever and smart management of new word in dictionary... the prob you're never sure when a word is added ... or not.
Also, because it's important to manage dictionnary, they are simple text file.
As you can see, I added my word... and now the keyboard suggest me to replace "quentin" (without capital Q) by "Quentin". So this keyboard make a difference between lower and upper cases.
What's new in 0.4? (08/19/2007)
* Option dialog (deactivate autocompletion, choose layout and skin)
* New skin: "Dream"
* Speed optimization
* Better support for more row: now the number of row is determined by the layout, you can even have different number of row for each layout.
* Better localization support
* Suggestion box positioning improvment
* Bug fixes